Monday, October 31, 2011

An Intro, where i'm at and where i'd like to be

A few things about me

I'm a 27 year old female who's generally a pretty optimistic and motivated person. Nothing is more important to me than family. I'm a dog lover at heart. I'm christian (Don't worry i'm not the in your face / let me convert you type of christian... i just have a strong belief in god and its a part of who i am....) So anyways back on topic: I am passionate about having a career and doing what i can to help others. I'm most interested in working with people with disabilities and the elderly. I'm one of those people who's a little shy at first but the friendships i make are usually extremely long lasting and important to me. Oh... And you've probably noticed by now that grammar is not my strong suit. I appoligize if spelling or grammar errors bother you. The reality is though that i want to blog for accountability. This means i'm less apt to do it if i spend forever afterwards going through everything i said with a fine tooth comb... i just don't care enough about the details.

Where i'm at: I'm currently really frustrated with my life.
- academics: after a long / part time psych degree i decided to go back and get a more practical degree. So here i am at 27 being utterly fed up and ready to move on.
- weight loss should really be weight gain. I am the queen of false starts and half harted attempts. The reality is though that i will not put my life in danger and failure is not an option.

Were i want to be: Eventually the goal is to be fit, graduated and employed. This blog is one of the ways i'm trying to learn, adapt, and change my life. I know who i am and i know what i can do... now i just need to get there!