Saturday, September 1, 2012

New outlook

It has been quite a while since i created this blog.  Not a whole lot has changed other than my mindset.    Weight wise I’m probably up about 15 pounds. Academia has been pretty much hell the last two years. I went from being a b+ student to having major difficulties concentrating.  I have since taken some time away from school and am very excited to return. I used to love school! I miss the love of learning and the honour roll grades. I'm hoping to re-kindle that fire :)  It still bothers me that i am 28 and have basically done nothing other than go to school. Jobs have been pretty scares... and not for lack of trying... That said, I’m optimistic about my future and looking forward to actually enjoying the journey rather than wishing i was at the end point.  Some time off shifted my thoughts from: "if i can't get through this degree I’ll never find a job and life will be horrible" to "I want to do well because I’m in the right field.  I know finding a job with my disability will be difficult, but a, I’m up for the challenge, b, the work excites me, and c, the world will not end if this doesn't happen right away."

I also feel a lot more content about whom I am and the relationships i have. While i never really wanted to be the life of the party, i often felt that most people fit in better and had more friends.   As i grew up i constantly wanted to blend in and belong. I wanted to be friends with everyone.  I'm the kind of person who doesn't quite know what to say at first. I finally feel really great about my social circle. I have enough friends that if i want to be social once or twice a week, i can. The last couple years have not been the easiest or the funniest. If my friends can put up with me at what i feel was my worst, they can certainly put up with me any other time!  I'm so blessed. I really cherish each one of them. They say that if you have a handful of true friends in a life time you're lucky. I can honestly say that many right now.

Basically at this point in my life i think I’m ready to take everything i learned, and all the mistakes i made and basically put them in a filing cabinet. They are still there if i need to refer to them, but they are in the past. I feel like i have a fresh attitude 

This blog used to be called road of improvement. I changed that name deliberately. Of course we all want to improve. I definitely want to lose weight and wish i already had a great career / job, but i am noticing that people are happiest when they are comfortable in their own skin.  I'm done searching. I'm done thinking that i need to transform my life and myself. I'm hoping this attitude stays! I'm surrounded by people five years younger than me with great careers. I always feel like i have to justify that I’ve basically been doing school part time for ever.  I'm pretty determined that it won't affect my enjoying the journey this time around though!

Now here's the weird part. Now that I’m more at ease with where i am in my life, i actually feel energized to go after my goals. I'm excited for school and in some odd way I’m kind of looking forward to getting new gym membership (how weird is that??? I hate working out! LOL). I'm going to go into Septembers goals in tomorrow's post.  I will say though that i plan on blogging on daily in september.

If you've actually read this, please comment!!!! If you have a weight loss / other type of blog, i'd love to subscribe.

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